Tipsy Teavern
Bar & Restaurant
Brynhildr | Lavender Beds | Ward 25 | Plot 33
Thursday | 9pm-11pm EST
Closed December 26th
(OOC Gil not required, tips are appreciated!)
The Tipsy Teavern is an extension of the FC Company, Ruby Sea Exports (RSE). RSE is an Eastern trading giant that focuses on the import and export of goods between Eorzea and the Far East of Hydaelyn. The Tipsy Teavern is a higher-class establishment, and we expect our guests to maintain a well-mannered and pleasant demeanor. Violators will be removed with haste.
(This is a Medium-Heavy RP venue. While we do not discriminate against any type of character, you are free to RP as you like within reason. A minor outburst or drunken stupor is welcome; however, starting a fight or destroying property haphazardly is unacceptable. Aside from that, we love all levels of RPers, whether you're a veteran or just starting out we'd love to have you around!)
No shirt, no shoes, no service. Patrons are expected to be clothed on the premise. The essentials must be covered when in either the bath or sauna.
Civil Establishment Blatant and public discourse between any parties is not tolerated. Keep your voices down and weapons sheathed. Mind your words and attempt to avoid any use of vulgar speech. Any violence will take place off the premise.
Turning a Blind Eye As the Tipsy Teavern holds land within the Gridanian jurisdiction, Gridanian law will be enforced. The Tipsy Teavern will not take any actions on its own against illegal activity, but will cooperate with local law enforcement fully upon request. The Tipsy Teavern is zoned by the city-state as a hostelry, and as such prohibits the solicitation of NSFW activities. This stands for our employees as well.
Private Performances "Keep any musical instruments stashed away unless you have permission. This estate is privately owned. In order to perform on company grounds you must gain explicit consent to do so from staff. Permission by the venue may be revoked at any time."
Mare within the establishment is a privilege, not a right. We keep the venue SFW by ensuring those who arrive are clothed, keeping sound/emotes to a minimum, and maintaining a pleasant and sophisticated atmosphere. Thank you for your understanding.
Syncshell Password: tipsyteavern
Teavern Staff
NPC Staff

Name: Stella Nox
Age: 26
Background: "Stella used to make her living working on her family's farm, but was forced to take on all sorts of odd jobs to survive after the farm was sold due to financial hardship. Her search for stability led her to a job opening, and her current position at the Tipsy Teavern."

"Himi Dalamiq was a simple seamstress from the Dalamiq tribe who lived the traditional life of her people until the coming of the Seventh Umbral Calamity. Emboldened by her curiosity, she set out to Eorzea to discover more about the lesser moon Dalamud and what it really was. In her spare time, she works a number of domestic jobs to keep her afloat whilst she funds her research."

Name: Makko
Age: 30
Background: In his earlier years, Makko worked at the Bismarck under Lyngsath becoming a crowd favorite amongst the regulars of the establishment. Yearning to cultivate his culinary skills, he sought out the East. By a stroke of fate or chance, he met a certain Raen who happened to speak highly of a certain Maid of the Estate, a culinary mastermind. The tales of this chef was an inescapable allure, and so he found himself returning to Eorzea working under Ruby Sea Exports as the Tipsy Teavern's sous-chef.

"A team of Namazu stands at the ready serving food, delivering drinks, and keeping the estate in pristine condition. For any simple requests, our team of Namazu are more than happy to assist."
Pool Rules: 1v1

Set Up
Contact the Greeter/Staff Member to facilitate the match. A bet of 50k Gil (OOC) must be given to the facilitator by both participants. The winner receives 100k Gil total!
All dice rolls will be done through party chat. RP posts may be done publically if desired.
Flip a coin to decide who goes first. [/dice 2]
Gameplay Loop
Each turn is determined by 3 different rolls:
AIM: /dice 20
STRIKE: /dice 20
Value of STRIKE must be (#-5) ≤ #(Aim) ≥ (#+5) to qualify for a +1 point on POCKET
POCKET /dice 10 -1 Point on 1/10 OR +1 Point on 2-10/10 OR 0 Points on 2-10/10
Players will continue, and turns will change to the other party after NOT SCORING.
First to 5 points WINS the game
AIM: /dice 20 15 [Needs 10-20 to qualify for pocket point]
STRIKE: /dice 20 10
POCKET: /dice 10 2 (+1 Point)
AIM: /dice 20 18 [Needs 13-20 to qualify for pocket point]
STRIKE: /dice 20 12
POCKET: /dice 10 2 (+0 Point)
AIM: /dice 20 1 [Needs 1-5 to qualify for pocket point]
STRIKE: /dice 20 6
POCKET: /dice 10 1 (-1 Point)

Private Rooms
Room 3 | Guest Rooms
Room 4 | Conference Room
Room 5 | Tea House
Room 14 | Infirmary
Room 15 | Dojo
Room 22 | Sauna
Room 24 | Airship Interior